How Sky’s Strength Came To Be.

My Story

Hello! My name is Emery Guenther and I have Epilepsy. I am so glad you are here! I am the author of Sky’s Strength. I wrote Sky’s Strength when I was 10 years old and had just experienced multiple grand Mal seizures. Writing this book really allowed me to process my diagnosis of Epilepsy, by creating a character that represented me. Having that character go through everything that I went through, really helped me tell my story.

Why did I write this book?
When I was first diagnosed with Epilepsy, my mom and I went to our local public library and tried to find out all the information we could through books on Epilepsy. There were very few options, and the children books that we did find were chapter books. When my 5th grade end of year project came around for school, my teacher suggested I write a book about my Epilepsy that would be helpful to a younger audience. Not only was this book healing in my own Epilepsy journey, but it went on to become a published book! Since then, I have had the chance to visit and read to multiple elementary schools, attend nurse and librarian conferences and epilepsy fundraisers, as well as spend time in Epilepsy Monitoring Units, speaking about my book and raising awareness for Epilepsy!

  • Epilepsy is not contagious.

  • Anyone can develop Epilepsy.

  • Epilepsy is not rare. 1 in 26 people can develop Epilepsy in their lifetime.

  • Epilepsy can not be cured.

  • 1 in 10 people will have a seizure during their life time.

  • Epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological disorder.

Interesting Facts!

More about the author!

Hello! My name is Emery Guenther and I am 13 years old! I have a brother named Will, a dog named Lotte, and my mom and dad. We all live in North Carolina. Everyone has been so supportive of me through this process and I couldn’t have done it without them!

More about the illustrator!

Hey! My name is Natalie Dew and I am 17 years old! Emery is my cousin and she asked me to illustrate her book because I love art! I have a twin brother named Nathan, a sister named Samantha, and her twin Samuel, my mom and dad, and our dogs Binkley and Buster. I live in Louisiana!

"One day I hope you can find your strength and let your inner light shine bright for others.” - Sky’s Strength